snack food making machine

You’re in the right place for snack food making machine.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on MINGDE.we guarantee that it’s here on MINGDE.
has a broad vision of application considering its features. .
We aim to provide the highest quality snack food making machine.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • China Core filled snacks production line manufacturers-MINGDE Machinery
    China Core filled snacks production line manufacturers-MINGDE Machinery
    1. snack food making machine is widly used for producing corn snacks, corn puffs, nutrition powder, cereal bar, breakfast cereal, chocolate filled snack etc. In extruder, the ingredients are cooked under intense heat and pressure as it moves toward the open end of the extruder where ingredients pass through a shaping die and knife.2. Row materials: Adopts corn, rice, wheat, oat, barley etc as ingredients3. Flow chart:Mixing system---Extrusion system----Drying system----Flavoring system--Packing system4. Capacity: 120-150/200-300/500/1000/2000kg/hMINGDE Machinery China Core filled snacks production line manufacturers-MINGDE Machinery,Complete parts safety stock, except for special parts, we can deliver the components each client needs in time.
  • New technology Two-coloured puffed snacks production line
    New technology Two-coloured puffed snacks production line
    1. New technology Two-coloured puffed snacks production line is widly used for producing corn snacks,corn puffs, nutrition powder, cereal bar, breakfast cereal, chocolate filled snack etc. In extruder, the ingredients are cooked under intense heat and pressure as it moves toward the open end of the extruder where ingredients pass through a shaping die and knife.2. Raw materials: Adopts corn, rice, wheat, oat, barley etc as ingredients3. Flow chart: Mixing system --- Extrusion system --- Drying system --- Flavoring system --- Packing system4. Capacity: 120-150/200-300/500/1000/2000kg/h
  • China Puffed snacks production line manufacturers-MINGDE Machinery
    China Puffed snacks production line manufacturers-MINGDE Machinery
    Puff Snack Extruder Making Machine Production Line Snack extruder production lineSnack food manufacturing machine uses advanced extruding technology, adopt corn, rice, wheat, oat etc as raw material to produce various market popular puffed snacks by changing moulds of extruder and production technics. It has an agility scheme,strong adaptability, has gained good praise and agreement from public.Flow chart of snack extruder production line:Mixer --- Hoister --- twin screw extruder --- Hoister --- Dryer --- Small hoister --- seasoning machineDepending on different request, the line could adjust as your special request.
  • Customer feedback Ring puffed snacks production line
    Customer feedback Ring puffed snacks production line
    1. Snack food making machine is widly used for producing corn snacks,corn puffs, nutrition powder, cereal bar, breakfast cereal, chocolate filled snack etc. In extruder, the ingredients are cooked under intense heat and pressure as it moves toward the open end of the extruder where ingredients pass through a shaping die and knife.2. Raw materials: Adopts corn, rice, wheat, oat, barley etc as ingredients3. Flow chart: Mixing system --- Extrusion system --- Drying system --- Flavoring system --- Packing system4. Capacity: 120-150/200-300/500/1000/2000kg/h
  • Professional Puffed snacks food Twin screw extruder production line manufacturers
    Professional Puffed snacks food Twin screw extruder production line manufacturers
    1. Professional Puffed snacks food Twin screw extruder production line manufacturers is widly used for producing corn snacks,corn puffs, nutrition powder, cereal bar, breakfast cereal, chocolate filled snack etc. In extruder, the ingredients are cooked under intense heat and pressure as it moves toward the open end of the extruder where ingredients pass through a shaping die and knife.2. Raw materials: Adopts corn, rice, wheat, oat, barley etc as ingredients3. Flow chart: Mixing system --- Extrusion system --- Drying system --- Flavoring system --- Packing system4. Capacity: 120-150/200-300/500/1000/2000kg/hMINGDE Machinery Professional Puffed snacks food Twin screw extruder production line manufacturers,Our specialized R&D teams are constantly developing new machines, effectively fabricating tailor-made machines, provide technology support with you forever
  • Russian customer case -- Core filled snack food making machine
    Russian customer case -- Core filled snack food making machine
    1. Core filled snack food making machine  is widly used for producing corn snacks, corn puffs, nutrition powder, cereal bar, breakfast cereal, chocolate filled snack etc. In extruder, the ingredients are cooked under intense heat and pressure as it moves toward the open end of the extruder where ingredients pass through a shaping die and knife.2. Row materials: Adopts corn, rice, wheat, oat, barley etc as ingredients3. Flow chart:Mixing system---Extrusion system----Drying system----Flavoring system--Packing system4. Capacity: 120-150/200-300/500/1000/2000kg/h
  • Is it worth getting a snack food production line ready for shipment? | MINGDE
    Is it worth getting a snack food production line ready for shipment? | MINGDE
    Snack food production line ready for shipment Mingde snack food machinery are exported to countries worldwide. We have completed all foreign customer orders without being affected by the epidemic, and the product lines waiting to be shipped full of workshopsBesides the snack food production line, we can also supply dog food production line, pet treats snack food machine, instant noodles production line, corn flakes production line, bread crumb production line etc, for more details welcome you visit 
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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